Arthropteris - Tectariaceae

Arthropteris antun-gupffertiae Lawalrée






Common name


rhizomeslender, barely exceeding 1.5 mm in diameter. Fronds subcoraceous.Stipe up to 7 cm long, articulated a little below its mid-length. Lamina up to 27 x 9-11.5 cm, oval to elliptical in outline, slightly narrowed at base, long caudate-acuminate at apex, slightly papery, dark green; pinnae up to 20 on each side, up to 6 x 1.5 cm, the lower ones opposite, those of the lower pair deflected downwards, the medians spreading and often somewhat sickle-arched upwards, all pinnately lobed, with sinuses reaching lower third of distance from midrib to rim; ultimate lobes up to 12 on each side, the lower ones nearly perpendicular to the midrib of the pinnae, the lower ones often covering the rachis, the others sloping slightly upwards, all trapezoidal with subparallel lateral edges , entire or nearly so, with rounded to truncate apex; veins up to 4 lateral veins on each side of the midrib of the pinnules. Sori at the apex of the lower veins.



antun-gupffertiae: named after Antun Gupffert, plant collector, collected the type specimen in DRC.


Lowland equatorial forest, in damp or even swampy places, or on wet rocks near waterfalls or on the banks of rivers, or epiphytic on tree trunks.

Distribution worldwide

See African distribution.

Distribution in Africa

Cameroon, Congo, Dem. Republic of Congo, Ivory Coast.

Growth form

Epiphytic, lithophytic, terrestrial.


  • Lawalree, A. (2000) Nephrolepidaceae.Flore d' Afrique Centrale, Page 13.